Waikanae Boating Club Rebuild

The new building is expected to be completed within one year and built in three stages to ensure services remain open.

Our present estimate is that the total cost will be almost $2.1 million but the Quantity Surveyor will provide the final figure.

So far we’ve spent $150,000 on investigations and consents and have $300,000 in Club reserves.

Planning is well underway through our Fund-Raising Committee for the remaining cost which will include an investor scheme, public fund raising (including from Coastguard), sponsorships, club fund-raising, a bequest programme, and donations.

If there is a shortfall, bank funding, spread over an inter-generational basis, has already been established.

Watch out for the next E-News to come in regard to the club’s fundraising strategy. 

Special General Meeting
Once we have all the information we need, a Special General Meeting will be called to seek your approval for the project and its funding.

This project has so far taken four years to get off the ground and I take this opportunity to thank our Executive Committee and the many volunteers who have contributed their knowledge and support in getting us to this point.