Youth and Community Fishing

Youth & Community Fishing day

The Waikanae Boating Club holds a community fishing event once a year to provide members of our community who would ordinarily never have the opportunity to go fishing, and who have endured hardship and challenges in their lives. The Club has been running these days for the past eight years and ‘Youth & Community Fishing’ has grown year on year becoming a highlight of the clubs’ events calendar.

How can you help?

There are several ways each member can help.

  • Be aware that it will be busy on the day and if you are fishing, if possible launch before 8am and be patient as we will have a lot of ‘non boaties’ around on the day.
  • Help with the filleting – If you are able to help please contact Lyn Williams on 022 310 3249
  • Make a donation – The event costs money are we are always looking for our supportive members and the community to support us financially.

If you would like to make a donation you can credit this straight into the Bank account (details below) or you can request an invoice by emailing

Bank account Details
Account Name: Waikanae Boating Club Incorporated
Bank Account 02-0591-0018391-002
Bank: BNZ – Waikanae
Reference: Donation


Youth & Community Fishing Committee

Sunday 17 March  dawned fine and the sea was flat.  Ideal conditions for the annual Waikanae Boating Club Youth and Community Fishing day (YCF) which saw 14 disabled persons ranging in age from 10 – 47 (and caregivers where required) enjoy a day on the water fishing.  Most of the participants had not been fishing or boating before, and all certainly were not able to regularly participate in a way most of us take for granted.

Graeme Sinclair from Gone Fishin’ attended for the third consecutive year and gave the team encouragement and inspiration to get out and have fun.  A hearty cooked breakfast was enjoyed by all followed by an early start on the briny.  Before long the fish were being hauled in and the enjoyment of the participants was plain to see.  A couple of the boats also got to play with dolphins which was a special highlight for one young man on Steve Watsons boat who had never been on a boat, before let alone fished or engaged with dolphins. He later described this day as one of the best of life.  Another parent contacted Paul Templer via social media and posted “Such a magical day for my Eli his face says it all.  Thank you so much for the invite and for a super day for our kids”.  This feedback on the experience was repeated many times at the club afterwards by participants and carers.
This is such an enjoyable day for the skippers and participants as well as the wider club membership who turned out to support and see what was happening.  These events don’t happen without support so please acknowledge and thank our sponsors and supporters who are listed on the board at the club .
Also, a big thank you to the skippers and crew, YCF sub-committee WBC main committee, Soroptimists and all club members who helped make this day a success.Steve Watson on behalf of YCF.

Fishing For Youth Sunday 4th March 2018

On Sunday 4 March 2018 for the 6th year the WBC hosted children and youth with disabilities and took them out for a day’s fishing around Kapiti Island.

A large number of club boats, skippers and crew, along with the Coastguard, were involved on the day.

The kids and their families, boat skippers, crew and Coast Guard members enjoyed a cooked breakfast at the club rooms, before heading out fishing around Kapiti Island until lunch time.

On returning to shore a BBQ lunch was provided by NZ Home Loans.

A decent quantity of fish was landed and was filleted by a merry band of club members. The fish fillets were bagged and some minced paua was distributed to all participants.

A bonus for the day was to have Graeme Sinclair (Bostik Gone Fishing) in attendance. His crew filmed the proceedings and also landed on Kapiti Island. The crew carried out filming for one of the Gone Fishing TV shows. This programme will be screened on TV later in the year (dates to be advised)

The Fishing for Youth Team, very ably led by Heather Bruce, worked long hours over the past year to plan and prepare for this worthwhile experience for all participants.

The Fishing for Youth Team would like to express their appreciation to all who contributed to the success of this day. The Team is looking forward to continuing this event next year.