Rules and Regulations
Here are the current amateur fishing regulations as at Oct 2011 for the Central Fishing area and description of the Kapiti Marine Reserve.
We encourage all divers to be aware of the Marine Reserve boundaries and catch limits applicable to each species of Fish, Shellfish and Rock Lobster.
REMEMBER: IGNORANCE IS NO EXCUSE if you are caught in breach of limits, the use of illegal equipment to gather fish, shellfish and rock lobster or caught fishing in a designated Marine Reserve, Maitaitai, Taiapure or Closed area.
- Ministry of Fisheries Central Region web pages
- MoF Central Region Fish Limits and sizes
- MoF Central Region Shellfish Limits and sizes
- MoF Central Region Rock Lobster Limits and sizes
- MoF Central Region Closed Areas
- Maitaitai
- Taiapure (on the left menu select Taiapure)
DISCLAIMER: Spearfishing Charters takes no responsibility for any changes to fisheries law or boundary designations that can take place at any time. It is up to you to use the links provided to keep yourself informed when operating outside of one of our charters.
(Images courtesy of Ministry of Fisheries NZ)